Thank You Life!

Thank you Life…

Thank you for this breath

Thank you for this inhale

Thank you for this exhale

Thank you for this Life

Thank you Heart

Thank you for this pounding

Thank you for this pulsing

Thank you for this Love

Thank you feet

Thank you for this walk

Thank you for this run

Thank you for the Dancing

Thank you Eyes

Thank you for the Sunrise

Thank you for the Sunset

Thank you for all the Colors

Thank you Ears

Thank you for The Music

Thank you for the Rhythm

And Thank you for the Stillness

Thank you Hands

Thank you for the Caressing

Thank you for the Clapping

And Thank you for the Holding

Thank you Mouth

Thank you for the nourishment

Thank you for the Wine

Thank you for the Kisses

Thank you Nose

Thank you for the Flowers

Thank you for the Pines

Thank you for the Sniffles

Thank you Arms and Shoulders

Thank you for the Carrying

Thank you for the Burdening

And Thank you for the Hugging

Thank you Voice

Thank you for the Expression

Thank you for the Word

Thank you for the Gift of Creation

Thank you for this Day

Thank you for the Light

Thank you for the Stars

Thank you for the Night

Thank you Self

Thank you for the Laughter

Thank you for the Play

Thank you for You

Thank you for the Emotions

Thank you for the Joys

Thank you for the Tears and Sorrows

Thank you for the Richness

Thank you for the Abundance that is.

Thank you for the Abundance that is given.

Thank you for the so many experiences and so many things

Thank you for this Dance.

Thank you Life

~Gary van Warmerdam

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